En combinaison avec une stimulation sexuelle, ce produit pour érection agit en augmentant le flux sanguin vers le pénis afin d'aider l'homme à retrouver et garder une érection. Le Générique est également utilisé pour traiter les symptômes d'une hypertrophie bénigne de la prostate.

Rebuild Program

Rebuild Program

Reconditioning is synonymous with improvement: the Rebuild Program optimises the production capacity of the entire system and thus improves the quality of the paper produced.
Ease of application and energy
Ease of application and energy

Ease of application and energy

Simplicity is always the basis of the Rebuild Program: the structure of the Crescent Former adapts easily to the structure of machines which have been in use for many years, such as the twin wire, sloped wire and plain wire machines.
Technology and craftsmanship
Technology and craftsmanship

Technology and craftsmanship

Recard's extensive experience of machine reconditioning, including competitors' machines enables us to produce customised designs and investment proposals. We require only basic information, such as the design of the existing machine, the current performance and that expected following reconditioning, in order to provide you with the best possible advice.

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Recard: 55019 Villa Basilica (Lucca) Italy | Tel. +39 0572 43067 Fax +39 0572 43011 | info@recard.it
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