Settembre 2021

Recard delivers Meghna Pulp & Paper Mills its second turnkey plant 

In June, Meghna Pulp & Paper Mills Ltd and Recard S.p.A. signed a contract for the delivery of a brand new tissue and MG paper production plant. For the second time, this important client from Bangladesh chose Recard for the delivery of a plant. The new turnkey plant includes three preparation lines for pulp where […], sold under the brand name Xenical among others, is a medication used to treat obesity. Its primary function is preventing the absorption of fats from the human diet by acting as a lipase inhibitor , thereby reducing caloric intake.

Maggio 2021

Softys’ PM was successfully restarted on the 1st of May 2021

The company is a subsidiary of CMPC Group (Compañía Manufacturera de Papeles y Cartones). Softys had tasked Recard with revamping its PM 17, originally installed at the Puente Alto plant in Chile in 1990, in order to replace the fourdrinier with an up-to-date Crescent Former. The machine now is fully compliant with the tissue quality […]

Settembre 2020

The Greek company MAXI S.A. has chosen Recard S.p.A. to supply a complete new tissue production plant.

Earlier this year Recard S.p.A. signed a contract with the Greek company MAXI S.A. for the supply of a second complete turnkey plant for the production of Tissue Paper.  Installation and start-up are scheduled for 2021. For MAXI this will be PM2 but for the owners of MAXI this is the third plant ordered from […]

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